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By Caroline de Sury PARIS (OSV News) — Political life in France has been in turmoil since the far right’s exceptional score in the...


(OSV News) — “I think my heart is going to explode,” said Montse Alvarado, describing the way she expects to feel when she gathers...


What outfits do lawyers wear to court? Law suits!  (Cue groans at my terrible pun.) On a more serious note, it’s been the week...


(OSV News)– Two disappeared Ukrainian Greek Catholic priests seized by Russian forces from their church in Berdyansk in November 2022 have been released after...

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WASHINGTON (OSV News) — The Supreme Court on June 28 overturned a legal doctrine known as Chevron deference, reducing the regulatory power of federal...


(OSV News) — With less than a month to go, more than 40,000 Catholics have registered for the National Eucharistic Congress, the pinnacle of...


By Caroline de Sury PARIS (OSV News) — “La nuit des églises” has become a must-go-to event in recent years for many French Catholics...


(OSV News) — President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, the presumptive Democratic and Republican presidential nominees, participated in the first general election...

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(OSV News) — Days after they gathered for their annual spring meeting, the U.S. Catholic bishops’ conference has laid off an unspecified number of...


NAIROBI, Kenya (OSV News) — The Kenyan capital descended into chaos June 25 as protests over legislation dubbed a finance bill left several dead...